The Media Club is a club that enables students to explore and enhance their multimedia skills. Students work on skills such as being creative, working with others and being media literate. The club is practical and students lead projects such as filming and editing videos, writing articles and holding creative discussions about world wide media. This club allows students to be hands on with their learning and develop life long skills.
The Media Club is a brilliant opportunity for students to spend more time on advertising, editing and communicating in a relaxed and creative environment during one lunchtime a week. Students engage in activities such as developing questions and interviewing staff and students for their termly newsletters and highlighting the events and achievements in school life at ETSS Wicklow. Further below you can see the media club highlighting the Halloween celebration. By using both digital and written forms, students actively engage in editing and re-editing their work on and off screen and learn how to structure reports and articles. Club members also participate in writing competitions and preparing promotional material from themed weeks (for example: Science Week, Diversity Week, Language Week and Maths Week).
Students develop skills of comprehension, expression and communication and they also develop a great interest in the school around them by telling their own stories and the stories belonging to others and by developing advertising skills and making friendships. The Media club is open to all students.